Thursday, May 14, 2009

Adding Gadget Video / Music

A blog does not necessarily full time, if not added to the gadget, music or video.
Moreover, the gadget is always a video clip presenting the latest and most popular. The problem, by adding this gadget, loading of the blog may be quite heavy.
If you want to install video gadgets, such as those in this blog, I try to share with you. Please add the code below, on your blog's sidebar.

<center><br/><img border="1" width="210" src="" height="50"/><br/><embed allowscriptaccess="always" width="210" src="" height="300" allowfullscreen="true" flashvars="height=300&width=210&file="/><br/></embed></center>

You can resize the width and height of this gadget, adjusted to the size of your blog's sidebar.

Hopefully helpful
Blog Widget by LinkWithin


Ani said...

Postingan puniko ngangge boso punopo nggih ? Boso londo punopo boso Jepang ? hi..hi..hi..

football said...

hi i saw you design this template mode-H blogger template.I love it,but i needsome favour to ask you.Can you please modify it so it shown video thumnails aslo not only photothumnails?

Please let me your answer best reagards

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